• Embarrassed to Be the Newbie
Many people are understandably prideful and embarrassed to reveal their ignorance by asking questions. This can be a big problem when they’re already on their adventure. It’s important to know, however, that RVers are a tight-knit community; bonds form quickly at RV sites. All RVers were newbies once, and most are happy to help.
• Avoiding Pre-Rental Orientation
Most RV rentals in Syracuse, NY include a pre-rental/delivery orientation. This too may seem embarrassing or even somewhat of a hassle. Make the time, however, and take advantage of it. Don’t make assumptions about RVs because they all have idiosyncrasies, and it can be very helpful to review the checklists in a relaxed environment before having to use them for real.
The dealerships and rental agencies create and refine these checklists for a reason: They know that the people in the market for a cheap RV rental usually aren’t experienced and can easily overlook small but important items. Many of the items on the checklist may seem obvious, but they’re a great way to ensure you don’t make a small mistake that can cause a big issue. For instance, one of the most common newbie mistakes is driving with the water pump or water heater on. It’s an easy mistake to make but can lead to big damages that you’re responsible for.
• Underestimating Living Space
In order to save money on the rental, many first-timers will opt for the smallest or most-cramped RV that they feel they can get away it. The problem is that your assessment of comfort will change considerably once you have to sit, sleep, bathe and so forth in a confined space.
• Overambitious Trip Planning
Most first-timers don’t appreciate how hard an RV can trip can be. It’s particularly taxing on the driver, and it can take its toll on the passengers as well. That’s why experienced RVers tend to plan for a lot of relaxation and enough time that they can drive leisurely rather than having to press.
• Driving Too Fast and Too Long
RVs aren’t built for the speeds that many passenger cars are, and driving too fast is dangerous and can lead to serious accidents. In addition, most new RV drivers aren’t prepared for the stress of driving such a vehicle for long periods and should take many breaks to keep themselves in peak physical and mental shape.
• Appreciating the RV’s Width, Length, Height and Weight
Most new drivers aren’t able to judge the vehicle’s dimensions accurately. Take it slow, and be willing to use a spotter to help you navigate tight courses. There are plenty of parking lots and similar areas that are easy enough to enter but not so easy to turn around in or back out from. Before you enter any tight area, make sure you know how you’re getting the RV out.
For those who are new to RVing, a rental is a great way to experience before you buy; just use these tips as a ‘leg up’ when getting started, and enjoy the adventure.
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